- NeoMAD provides a couple of samples in the folder neomad/Examples.
- AgendaExample (accessing and writting to the user agenda)
- AnimationExample (an animated screen with moving image)
- AsyncListExample (an asynchronous ListView)
- CameraExample (to take picture or video from the device camera or from the gallery ( )
- ConditionalCoding (for constants and conditional coding in the Java source code and the URS file)
- ContactExample to pick or edit a contact from the adress book (
- HelloCloneWorld (to clone an application ie: custom branded project whose resources may vary ccording to the needs)
- HelloWorld
- HttpUploadExample (to upload a file)
- IconsExample (an adaptation of icons for each platform)
- ImageUploadExample (uploading big images with http)
- JSONExample (to read/writte a JSON stream)
- LocationExample
- PlatformSpecificCode
- RSSReaderExample (to decouple different parts of your application while still allowing them to ommunicate efficiently (com.neomades.event))
- SensorExample (an accelerometer, gyrometer)
- ServiceExample
- SlideMenuExample (a slide menu)
- TabScreenExample
- XmlPullParserExample
AgendaExample | AnimationExample | AsyncListExample | CameraExample |
ContactExample | HttpUploadExample | ImageUploadExample | JSONExample |
RSSReaderExample | SensorExample | SlideMenuExample | TabScreenExample |
XmlPullParserExample | |||