NeoMAD 3.9.1 release notes

June 26, 2015

NeoMAD 3.9.1 is a maintenance release proposing small enhancements and fixes.


  • New classes and methods:
    • EmailManager.isEmailAvailable(): for iOS, returns true if the device is configured to send mail. Returns true for other platforms since email applications will handle email configuration in that case.


  • Android:
    • Layout: fix a bug that occurred when adding a View using addView(View, int), the parameters (stretch mode, alignment…) of the child view were ignored by the layout
    • LocationBounds.include(Location): including a new location does not modify the latitude and longitude of the two original points of the LocationBounds
  • iOS:
    • ImageUrlLabel: fix a crash occurring when loading an image from cache
    • setPullToRefreshText(String), setRefreshLoadingText(String), setReleaseToRefreshText(String) now correctly use the text in parameter
    • Calendar.set(int, int): set(DAY_OF_WEEK, value) now correctly changes the date of the calendar
    • LocationBounds.include(Location): including a new location does not modify the latitude and longitude of the two original points of the LocationBounds
  • Windows Phone:
    • Map.setMarkerClickListener(MarkerClickListener): fix a NullPointerException that occurred when the listener callback was called
    • Calendar.set(int, int): set(DAY_OF_WEEK, value) now correctly changes the date of the calendar
  • Windows Store Apps
    • Calendar.set(int, int): set(DAY_OF_WEEK, value) now correctly changes the date of the calendar