Running application

Let’s run your app now!

  • Configure the IDE
  • Launch the project

Set up the NeoMAD Bundle

  • Right click on HelloNeomad project > Run As > Run Configurations …
  • Double click on Neomad.
Launch Configuration
  • Then change the name of the configuration (“HelloNeomad” in this example)
  • Select the output device (Android, IOS, etc.).


By default, NeoMAD creates a launch configuration for Android device.

Run on Android Device

Run the app from NeoMAD Bundle

  • Right click on the project > Run as NeoMAD Application
Run As

Choosing the device

You can choose to run it on:

  • an Android device connected with USB wire
  • an Android Virtual Device (AVD) you have already setup on previous step
Device Chooser


if the selected device does not appear, make sure to enable USB debugging (Next Chapter)

Set up your device

  1. Plug in your device to your development machine with a USB cable.


If you’re developing on Windows, you might need to install the appropriate USB driver for your device.

  1. Enable USB debugging on your device.
  • On most devices running Android 3.2 or older, you can find the option under Settings > Applications > Development.
  • On Android 4.0 and newer, it’s in Settings > Developer options.

Set up Android Emulator

To run your app on the emulator you need to first create an Android Virtual Device (AVD).

An AVD is a device configuration for the Android emulator that allows you to model a specific device.

To create an AVD:

  1. Launch the Android Virtual Device Manager:
AVD Manager
  1. On the AVD Manager main screen, click Create Virtual Device.
Edit AVD
  1. Verify the configuration settings, then click Finish.

App is running

Logs are displayed in the console view :

NeoMAD Console

NeoMAD installs the app on your connected device or emulator and starts it.