Resource Types

Each of the documents in this section describe the usage, format and syntax for a certain type of application resource that you can provide in your resources directory (res/).

Here’s a brief summary of each resource type:

Background Resource

Define background linear gradient resources that change the background of the View. Saved in res/background/ and accessed from the Res.background class.

TTF Font Resources

Define true-type font resources. Saved in res/font/ and accessed from the Res.font class.

Icon Resources

Define icon resources that change the application launcher icon. Saved in res/icon/ and cannot be accessed from the Res class.

Info Resources

Define info resources that change the application reserved texts like permission usage description. Saved in res/string/ and cannot be accessed from the Res class.

Image Resources

Define graphics with bitmaps. Saved in res/image/ and accessed from the Res.image class.

Layout Resources

Define the layouts for your application UI. Saved in res/layout/ and accessed from the Res.layout class.

Music Resources

Define the layouts for your application UI. Saved in res/layout/ and accessed from the Res.layout class.

Raw Resources

Define the layouts for your application UI. Saved in res/layout/ and accessed from the Res.layout class.

Splash Resources

Define icon resources that change the application launcher icon. Saved in res/icon/ and cannot be accessed from the Res class.

String Resources

Define strings, (and include string formatting). Saved in res/string/ and accessed from the Res.string class.

Style Resources

Define the look and format for UI elements. Saved in res/style/ and accessed from the class.

Values Resources

Define values such as booleans, integers, dimensions, colors, and others. Saved in res/values/ but each accessed from unique Res sub-classes (such as Res.bool, Res.integer, Res.dimen, etc.).