NeoMAD 4.10.0 release notes

August 28, 2024

Support of Android SDK 34

NeoMAD is now compatible with target SDK 34 for Android. This implies a lot of changes in the Android build chain but the only really impacting change is the upgrade of the version of Gradle used to build Android projects.

This implies 2 things:

  • NeoMAD project must now be built with Java 11
  • Update the Android templates of your project if you use custom templates.

To know if your project is impacted please check in your URS for a templatePath attribute:

If the attribute is present, update your custom template folder with the new one in the platforms/android/AndroidStudio/templates folder. Be careful to not override your own cutomizations in the process.

The impacted template files are:

  • build.gradle.tpl
  • settings.gradle.tpl
  • app/build.gradle.tpl
  • gradle/wrapper/