NeoMAD 4.6.9 release notes

June 20, 2019

NeoMAD 4.6.9 is a maintenance release proposing fixes and small enhancements.

Work on NeoMAD source code directly in NeoMAD generated Android Studio project

NeoMAD now provides a new options : -asl (-androidstudio-link).

This option enables to work on your NeoMAD source code directly in the Android Studio generated project. Previously, the source code in the generated Android Studio project was a copy of the sources from the NeoMAD project.

To work in the Android Studio project :

  • Build the NeoMAD project for the target ANDROID using the option -asl
  • Open Android Studio and then open the project under out/ANDROID/AndroidGeneratedProject (where AndroidGeneratedProject is your project output name)
  • Begin to work


  • Changes to other files than sources will not be saved between two NeoMAD builds (gradle, manifest, resources…). You will need to work on these files on the NeoMAD project and then generate again the Android Studio project as before to update them.
  • class must be modified in the NeoMAD project (it is still a copy and not a link to the original)


  • Windows 8.0 and 8.1
    • Update debug certificate validity