Installing NeoMAD Bundle


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NeoMAD Eclipse Bundle provides everything you need to start developing NeoMAD Cross-Platform apps including the IDE and the NeoMAD SDK.

Extracting the NeoMAD Bundle package

NeoMAD Bundle is a special Eclipse distribution with pre-packaged plugins (NeoMAD Plugin for Eclipse) and a NeoMAD installation.

Select and Download a specific Bundle package for your platform:

  • Mac OS or Windows

Your download package is a zip file that contains an Eclipse and the NeoMAD SDK tool.

  • Unzip the Eclipse Bundle you have downloaded.
  • Move it to an appropriate location on your machine, such as a “Development” directory in your home directory.

By default, it’s unpacked into a directory named neomad-bundle-starter-XXX.

  • The pack contains 2 folders:
    • eclipse (version 4.6.X - NEON)
    • neomad (doc, examples, etc.)


The folders have to be kept under the same parent repository.

By default, it’s unpacked into a directory named neomad-bundle-starter-XXX.

Launching the NeoMAD Bundle

  1. Double-click the eclipse executable (eclipse.exe for Windows, for Mac OS) inside the eclipse folder
  2. Select an Eclipse workspace
  3. Once the installation is done, Eclipse asks to edit the NeoMAD preferences (the form is pre-filled with detected paths.) Click OK to save preferences.

Change NeoMAD Settings

To change these preferences later or add other versions of NeoMAD:

  • select Window > Preferences > NeoMAD

On the first application build, NeoMAD will ask a license key.


See Neomad configuration file documentation if you to manage properties with more precision.


If you prefer to use a different IDE or run the tools from the command line or with build scripts, you can instead download the stand-alone NeoMAD SDK.