Splash (Optional)

A splash screen is an image that is shown while your application is loading. Splash screens are optional for all platforms.

Splash images should be 32-bit PNGs without transparency.

Android requirements

For Android we recommend creating a separate set of splashes for each generalized screen density as follows:

Android specifiers size file Requirements
mdpi portrait 320 x 480 splash-320x480.png Recommended for store
hdpi portrait 480 x 800 splash-480x800.png Recommended for store
xhdpi portrait 720 x 1280 splash-720x1280.png Optional
xxhdpi portrait 960 x 1600 splash-960x1600.png Optional
xxxhdpi portrait 1280 x 1920 splash-1280x1920.png Optional
mdpi landscape 480 x 320 splash-480x320.png Recommended for store
hdpi landscape 800 x 480 splash-800x480.png Recommended for store
xhdpi landscape 1280 x 720 splash-1280x720.png Optional
xxhdpi landscape 1600 x 960 splash-1600x960.png Optional
xxxhdpi landscape 1920 x 1280 splash-1920x1280.png Optional

iOS requirements

On iOS, a splash image can be added on the white launch screen. There is no mandatory size however the image must adapt to the screen size in both portrait and landscape mode. The image will be displayed centered in the screen. We recommend to use an image such as the logo of the application or of the company.

The image must be declined in 3 images:

  • splash-1x.png: the basic image for lower resolution (not used on recent devices)
  • splash-2x.png: twice the size of the first image
  • splash-3x.png: thrice the size of the first image
iOS Launch Image size file Requirements
@1x no requirements splash-1x.png Recommended for Store
@2x twice the first splash-2x.png Recommended for Store
@3x thrice the first splash-3x.png Recommended for Store

NeoMAD automatically provides a white screen for splash if no resource is defined by the user.

Providing splash resources

The splash folder structure should look like:

  • The res/splash directory contains generic splashes. These splashes could be reused by different platforms if the provided size is matching with platform splash size requirements.
  • The res/splash-platform directories provide specific platform splashes (e.g. splashes in res/splash-android will be used only for Android targets). If the same splash is declared under res/splash and res/splash-platform, the file in res/splash-platform will be kept during application build.
  • splash-XXXxXXX.png is the name of the splash file. The first digits are the width of the image, then after the ‘x’ character the last digits are the height in pixels. The authorized sizes are listed above.