NeoMAD 4.5.1 release notes

June 29, 2018

NeoMAD 4.5.1 is a maintenance release proposing small fixes and enhancements.


Service improvement for Android 8

The NeoMAD service API ( has been updated and is now fully compatible with Android 8 (O). Your code will still work without changes however a new method has been added to indicate the sytem that a service has finished its execution (Service.serviceFinished()). You should call this method after your service execution (after the work to perform by the onExecute() method is done, generally at the end of the method). This is usefull to help the system to know it can release the wakelock being held for the service. If not called, the service may stay “open” until the system kills it and we do not know when it will do that.

Local notification improvement for Android 8

The NeoMAD local notification API (com.neomades.notification) has been updated and is now fully compatible with Android 8 (O). There is nothing to change in your projects.


  • Android:
    • Fix PushServiceManager: a NullPointerException may occur when trying to register to a push notification service